
Hi, I'm JD: your new software engineer!

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Greek Calculator

A calculator that converts our numbers to Ancient Greek number notation. Built with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript.


Blockbuster Sim

Simulates going to the video store. Will show alternate titles if a movie is rented out. Built with HTML, CSS, React and Axios.



A narrative comment generator for teachers during grading periods. Built with Python, Django, JavaScript and Bootstrap.


I taught math and science for eleven years in independent schools before deciding to switch careers and learn to code. I was delighted to find that, thanks to my passion for mathematics and my knowledge of how students learn, I was able to start teaching myself very quickly.

I love all aspects of software development but especially the problem-solving aspect: how do you give instructions to a computer that address a real-world challenge users face? My aim is to develop human-friendly, secure software that makes people's lives easier and more fulfilling.